As an account administrator, you are able to use a spreadsheet to assign or unassign your users to providers in Marketscape Insights for HHA, HOS, SNF, and HME.
The spreadsheet you would use to perform this task is attached at the bottom of this article. Or, if you click on the "Bulk Assignment Import" button, a dialog box will open that will allow you to download the same documents. (see arrows) You can use either the .csv file of the .xlsx file.
The concept of assignment is transitive. We speak of a user being assigned to a provider, or a provider being assigned to a user. If we look at the Home page for a specific user, we can find all of the providers assigned to the user. When we look at the Analyze page for a specific provider, we can see all of the user's assigned to that provider. There is a mutual referent connection between the user and provider.
User Assignment - summary
Assigning a provider to a user creates a connection between the selected provider and the specified user's account. These assignments will be visible in the following locations:
The images are taken from Marketscape Insights for Home Health. The bulk assignment process works for all Marketscape Insights Modules and Marketscape Insights for HME. The assignments appeat in the same place in each product, and assignments work the same in all four products.
Preparing the Spreadsheet for Import
Spreadsheet summary
When you download the Bulk Assignment spreadsheet, you will see the following columns. Four items to notice:
- The first column will include the provider NPI. Any provider type can be included in this column (with some restrictions listed in the "Details" below.) Depending on the number of users to be added, you might need to include the same NPI in multiple rows. (refer to "Details").
- Each product is listed. You can assign or unassign users for all products in the same single spreadsheet.
- Each product has two columns - one to assign users, one to remove an assignment.
- At the top right of each column name is a red triangle. Hover over this triangle to open the note for simple instructions for filling out that column. (See image.)
You can assign (or unassign) any types of providers to any number of users in a single spreadsheet. However, there are three requirements for the spreadsheet that must be kept in mind.
- Each cell in the spreadsheet can only have one email address. The email address needs to match the email in the user's account.
- Some provider types can't be assigned in some products. For example, in Marketscape Insights for home health, you can't assign a hospice to a user.
- The user must have access to the line of business for any column in which you put their email address and to the market in which the provider is registered. Otherwise the upload will generate an error.
Let's look at an example to see how this works out.
For NPIs we have used all the same digit to make it easy to see when the NPIs in the example are the same and which are different. For this example, 1111111111 is a physician, 2222222222 is a hospital, and 3333333333 is a hospice.
We will look at some details for each row.
Row 2
- Notice that we have assigned Chuck to all four products. His email is in columns B, D, F, and H. He will be assigned physician 1111111111 in every product; home health, hospice, skilled nursing and HME.
- In the same line, we removed assignment to physician 1111111111 from Twilly in both home health and hospice.
- We could have removed assignment from another user for skilled nursing and/or HME by adding their email address to columns G or I.
Row 3
- We also needed to assign Claudia to physician 1111111111 in home health and hospice, so we duplicated the NPI into another row and put her email in the matching columns
- For this same physician, we could have added a user to skilled nursing or HME, or removed assignment by adding the correct emails in the same row in the right column
Row 4
- We also needed to assign Berwin to physician 1111111111 for home health, hospice, and skilled nursing. Once again, duplicate the NPI into another row and add email addresses to the correct columns.
Rows 5 & 6
- For the hospital, NPI 2222222222, you can see that we added Twilly to home health, Berwin to hospice, Claudia to skilled nursing and HME, and we removed the provider from Chuck for all four.
- We added Twilly to hospice, but since Berwin was added in row 5, we needed to use another row with the same NPI.
This row demonstrates that you can complete multiple different assign/remove assignment tasks in a single row, as long as the right email is in each column.
Row 7
- In this last row, we introduced an error. NPI 3333333333 is a hospice, which can't be assigned to a user in Marketscape Insights for home health.
- Nevertheless, we have assigned this hospice to Claudia in column D, which will work.
Importing your Spreadsheet
Choose file
Once your spreadsheet is ready for upload, Navigate to the Admin page and click on Users in the left navigation. Then click on "Bulk Assignment Import."
The dialog box that opens contains some basic instructions for using the tool.
Click on the "Upload File" button
You will then need to navigate to the location where you saved your spreadsheet.
The image below shows that the button will display the filename after you select it.
Click "Continue."
The next page will check your spreadsheet for errors. (A truck icon moves across the screen as this happens.) When it is completed validation, you will see the following.
Click "Continue."
At this point, IF your spreadsheet has errors, they will be listed for you. Click on the row with the "X" to see a description of the error(s).
The only option at this point is to click "Close" No entries will be uploaded.
Fix your spreadsheet and start the import process again.
Finalize import
If there are no errors, you will be prompted to import users.
Click on "Yes." The next window can potentially go for a while depending on the size of your spreadsheet.
When the import is done, you will see a summary of what happened.
One final note
You can assign multiple users to multiple providers using the Explore page in Marketscape Insights. Since the Explore page allows you to filter and sort the table to the highest potential providers and then select and assign those providers to your users, it might be far easier to do this task on the Explore page. On the other hand, you might have a list of providers (NPIs) from another source, which would make this process make more sense. Take the time to assess which process better fits your needs prior to copying and pasting a lot of NPIs and email addresses.