An account administrator can create or update user accounts for any Marketscape product using Marketscape Admin tools. This article will show how to create and edit user accounts.
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In this article
- Logging in to Marketscape Admin
- Your Company's Account
- Creating versus Editing
- Process Summary
- Additional CRM information
- Bulk User Upload
- Complete images of New User and Edit User dialog boxes
Logging in to Marketscape Admin
Your Company's Account
In Marketscape Admin, all settings that you will see are based on what your company has contracted with Trella Health to use. With regard to setting up users, this means that you will be able to set up a user's account with any or all products. In addition, each product will have access to specific markets. There are also roles that apply to each product that can be assigned to a user. All of these details are explained below.
If you do not see an expected product or market, make contact with your customer success manager.
Creating versus Editing
The interface in Marketscape Admin for creating new user accounts is the same as the interface for editing existing user accounts with the following three differences. These features are also described in the full summary content below.
- When you create a new user you can choose to send the user a Welcome email with information about how to log in. See image below. The checkbox is checked by default. If you do not want a new user to receive the Welcome email, uncheck this box.
When you Edit an existing user, the feature is not available.
- When you edit an existing user, there are two options at the bottom of the page:
- Resend Welcome Email - clicking this button will immediately send a copy of the welcome email to the user at the email address in the selected user account.
- Reset Password - click this button to change the password on the selected user account.
The following dialog box opens.
You would reset a password in response to a request from a user who has forgotten their password and allows you to quickly provide a new password for the user. Create a simple password for the user and let them know the password you created. The next time they log in, they will be required to use the password you created and then to make a new one.
The "Resend Welcome Email" button and the "Reset Password" button are not included in the dialog box when you create a new user.
How to Create a new user or Edit an existing user
In Marketscape Admin, on the Users page:
- You add a new user by clicking on the "Add User" button
- You edit an existing user by clicking on the pencil icon to the left of the user's email address in the table.
Process Summary
A few notes to keep in mind:
- Some fields are required, others are not. This allows you to set up a new user completely or only partially. Keep in mind that the user will only have access to features that are fully set up.
- For the sake of simplicity, we have broken up the process into sections. To see full images of the "Add User" dialog box or the "Edit User" dialog box, click here.
- Some sections are dependent on choices you make in earlier sections. For example, to open Markets for Marketscape Insights for Home Health, Marketscape Insights for Home Health needs to be added as a Product.
- Most fields just require that you type in the information. Some settings require that you select one or more options in the right or left window and move your selection to the other window.
The Products interface is a helpful example, since there are selections on both sides.
- Available - options listed in the left window are available to be added to the user's account.
- Active - options listed in the right window are accessible for the user.
Adding an option or options - Select a single option in the Available (left) window, or ctrl-click to select multiple options. Then click the "Add Selected" button
- To add all options from the Available window to the Active window, click the "Add All" button
Removing an option or options - Select a single option in the Active (right) window, or ctrl-click to select multiple options. Then click the "Remove Selected" button
- To remove all options from the Active window to the Available window, click the "Remove All" button.
Although creating and editing user accounts are almost identical, we will describe any differences in the following process summary.
Section 1 - Basic User Information
Section 2 - Management Relationships
Management relationships There are two options for "User Type" - Default or Manager (See top image at right)
You do not need to set up the manager relationships when the user account is created - you can set up manager relationships later.
User Options
Manager Selected
Default Selected
Account Enabled, Welcome Email and Notes |
Section 3 - Products Setup
Section Dependency
When you add a product to the "Active Products" window, the interface for managing Markets for the selected product will appear below.
Section 4 - Markets
Section Dependency
When you add a markets to the "Active Markets" window, the interface for managing Roles for the selected product will appear below.
Section 5 - Roles
Roles provide access to different features for each product. The most simple example are the administrator roles shown below. An admin has access to settings that a Sales Manager would not.
- For more information on roles for Marketscape Insights and Marketscape Strategy, see User Account Security Settings.
- For more information on CRM Roles, see Role Management and Configuration.
There are important differences between the way roles function in Marketscape CRM from all other products.
Additional CRM information
An account administrator is able to make changes to a user's roles from within Marketscape CRM
To make changes to a user's roles in Marketscape CRM, follow these steps:
Click on the "Settings" button in the left navigation
Click on the "Users" link under the Territory Management section
Click on the "Edit" link to the left of the user's name for the account you want to update.
The Edit User page will open. See the table below.
Add a Role - Click on the "Add Role" link. A new Role field with the available options will open below - . You can then click on a role in the list to add it to the selected user's account. Remove a Role - Click on the "X" button to the right of any existing role in the selected user's settings. Click the "Save Profile" button when you are done. For full details on Roles in Marketscape CRM, see Step 2 - Role Management.
Once a new user is set up for Marketscape CRM, you will still need to set up their territory and Market data territory. For more information, see Sales Territory Configuration and Step 1 - Territory Management.
Bulk User Upload
If you have a large number of users for whom you need to create new user accounts, you can use the Bulk User Import feature on Users page in Marketscape Admin.
For more information, see Bulk User Import.
Complete images of New User and Edit User dialog boxes
Add New User
Edit Existing User